Out of State Moving from California to Massachusetts

Moving can be very exciting especially if you just bought a new home and are moving into it. And even if you’re not planning to set down roots, it does feel good to explore new states such as Massachusetts. But the excitement aside, packing can be draining, especially if it’s your first time doing it. It even gets more complicated if you have to move quickly if it’s an emergency or due to a strict timeline with the new employer. But luckily, here at GPS Moving we can help meet any moving timeline you might have.

Packing Tips for your move to Massachusetts

  1. Pack the essentials first: It can be very disheartening when you arrive at your destination and realize that in that cold weather you can't trace your hoodie. So set all the essentials aside, such as toiletries, hoodies, pajamas, toothpaste, and prescriptions.
  2. Assign responsibilities: Having a team to help could cut the whole packing process in half. It could be family members, friends or even movers. 
  3. Clean as you pack: If you don’t have the time to declutter first then pack later, you can do them simultaneously. Get two big boxes; one for what to keep and the other one for what you’re going to donate or discard.
  4. Hire your mover early: We have experience in the A to Z of moving and will get it all done right. Get to enjoy quality packing from people who know exactly what they are doing, all at an affordable fee.
  5. Have a packing checklist: This will ensure that you don’t leave anything behind or mix items when packing. It saves time because you don’t have to waste time thinking about what will go where.
  6. Prepare your packing materials: They include boxes, containers, labels, makers, among others. Source them earlier enough so that you can start packing on time.

Moving Day Advice

  • Create a game plan. Obviously, on this busy day you will be all over the place. So you need to have someone who can direct the movers to the various rooms. The person should tell movers what items they should move first and the items to be offloaded last.
  • To save on time, don’t rush. It may seem like moving fast will save time, but it might not be the case. Don’t rush throwing things in the moving truck since this mistake could be timely if you get things damaged or something is forgotten. Also, rushing around on moving day is bound to get you wound up.

Why Choose GPS Moving for your move to Massachusetts?

Regardless of your moving timing or weather situation, be sure to tell us so that we can help. We’ll work together with you to ensure that all your moving needs are met on time and on budget. We’ve been moving people to Boston for many years, and we always take care of everything.

In case you reach your destination and then you realize you’re not yet ready to receive all your furniture, we have short term and long term storage solutions for you to compare. Our facilities are secure and will protect your item for as long as you need.

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